• Community Based Rehabilitation For Pwds

    Our Community-Based Rehabilitation program enriches the lives of persons with disabilities (PWDs) by fostering inclusion, providing comprehensive support, and promoting their full participation in community life.

  • Disaster Risk Reduction

    GPDI's Disaster Risk Reduction program implements proactive strategies and interventions to minimize vulnerabilities, enhance preparedness, and build resilience in communities, mitigating the impact of disasters and safeguarding lives and livelihoods.

  • Education

    GPDI's Education program empowers individuals through access to quality education, fostering knowledge, skills, and opportunities for personal growth, leading to enhanced livelihoods and a brighter future for the communities we serve.

  • Health and Nutrition

    GPDI's Health and Nutrition program promotes well-being and optimal nutrition, improving the overall health outcomes of communities through education, access to essential healthcare services, and sustainable interventions that address prevalent health challenges.

  • Natural Resource Management

    GPDI's Natural Resource Management program actively engages in restoring green environments, rejuvenating degraded landscapes, and promoting reforestation efforts to enhance ecological balance, combat climate change, and create a sustainable and flourishing environment for present and future generations.

  • Alternative Basic Education

    We are committed to transforming lives through our innovative Alternative Basic Education (ABE) program. Our mission is to provide quality education opportunities to marginalized and underserved communities, ensuring that every child has the chance to learn and grow, regardless of their circumstances.

  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

    GPDI's Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) program advocates for improved access to clean water, proper sanitation facilities, and hygiene education, empowering communities to lead healthier lives, prevent waterborne diseases, and ensure the sustainable management of water resources.

Our Mission

Work with the target community and other key stakeholders through creating institutional linkages, conducting research, and enhancing their capacities to overcome social and economic problems and enable them to become owners of the development initiatives.

Our Vision

GPDI has a vision “to see prosperous and healthy pastoralist communities leading secure and peaceful life in a sustainable environment”.

Our Values

GPDI uses its core value as a guide in implementing its mission of serving pastoralist communities with its aspiration to be an effective and vibrant non-governmental organization.

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Who are we?

Gayo Pastoral Development Initiative (GPDI)

Gayo Pastoral Development Initiative (GPDI) is a non-government organization (NGO), non-political, not-for-profit, and secular organization established to promote sustainable livelihoods and self-reliance in the pastoral communities of Ethiopia. It was legally registered with the Ministry of Justice on November 21, 2003, and re-registered under new legislation of “Charities and Societies Proclamation No. 1113/2019” on July 24, 2019, with a registration number 0156 as “Ethiopian Resident Charity organization”. The overall goal of GPDI is to improve the livelihood of targeted pastoralist communities whereby livelihood vulnerability to disasters is reduced, livelihood options diversified, access to quality social services enhanced, and food/social securities ensured.

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What We Do

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